Magento and E-commerce Development

The success of a good working, good looking web shop is often in the use of Magento and E-commerce Development. We enlisted the advantages of this platform.
Growing succes of webshops and e-commerce
Today’s society is built around convenience and the internet. Everything should be as quick as possible, as easy as possible. People are always online: at their computer in the office, on their phones in public transport or at home with their tablet on the couch.
One of the effects can be seen in retail, which is moving from the traditional brick and mortar shops to e-commerce more and more. The same progress is visible in B2B- and wholesale. It is no surprise that business specialized in e-commerce see their revenue grow year after year. Look at the success of i.e. Amazon and eBay.
Nowadays, many retailers, wholesalers and even manufacturers choose to have their own online presentation in means of an e-commerce store in order to be competitive.
It is no wonder that the current market is high demand for e-commerce development. Resulting in many different solutions with high variety in availability, pricing and quality. Especially for people not familiar with the terms and options, this can be very confusing.
In order to be able to choose a solution, it is important to look at the requirements. Some business only require a simple store with a 25 product catalog. Others need a 10,000 product catalog with configurable products which synchronize their stock and prices with the ERP-software in multiple languages.
Depending on the requirements, one solution might be the better choice for your company compared to others. Some solutions are more versatile than others. One of the most deployed and versatile solutions is Magento. Which is a perfect choice for almost every scenario.
Magento Development
Magento is a highly customizable and versatile open source e-commerce CMS (content management system). It is also the most deployed standalone e-commerce platform available.
Although Magento is a ready to use platform, for most uses it requires customization. Most users like to have a custom design and use third party payment providers such as Paypal and Ideal. Because of its modular design and high popularity, many extensions are available. This is of big advantage since many custom functionalities don’t need to be custom developed anymore. And developers tend to find solutions quicker would they get stuck in their work. This saves both time and money in the process.
Due to its versatility Magento offers lots interesting opportunities for a wide variety of applications.
Retail, Wholesale and Dual channel marketing
Magento offers options to set up different stores, prices and tier-prices for each customer or group. You can set different prices for a single product. A product with base price $10 can be sold for $8 to resellers or $9 to consumers when they order 5+ items. Other options include discounts of 10% to all products for resellers, or just setting a discount of 10% on all electronics. Any combination is possible and Magento offers all the tools for using a single store to sell through multiple channels.
ERP & CRM Software connections & synchronization
If you are currently using ERP-software to manage your product prices, stock and orders, you might be wondering how to combine this with your e-commerce store. The good news is you don’t have to worry about that. Magento can trigger your ERP software if an order is placed. When you update prices in your ERP software, they can automatically be updated in your Magento store. When a new customer registers in your Magento store, it can be automatically added to your CRM software. The possibilities are endless.
Supplier connectors & Drop shipping
Many suppliers nowadays offer downloadable pricelists. Especially for drop shippers with a large product catalog it can be harsh to update prices and stock by hand. One of Global BrainForce’s specialties is writing customized middleware to update stock and prices based on your suppliers pricelists. The software will download and compare pricelists and stocks, add a fixed and/or dynamic margin to the price, and update Magento accordingly. This way your prices and stock information will always be up to date.
Product import automation & Rich product data
For stores with many products it can be a lot of work to add all the products to Magento by hand. Global BrainForce can offer product import automation. This will take all the products provided from a simple list and add them to the store. This list can even be a suppliers pricelist. In order to provide rich content for your product catalog, you can use content providers such as Icecat and CNET. Global BrainForce will implement custom built software. This software matches article numbers with content data providers in order to automatically import products with all their properties and images into your Magento store so it is ready to use.
Contact us and we’ll reach out to you to get the conversation going.