Brought down: the 5 most difficult things about hiring developers

TechRepublic published a list with the 5 most difficult things companies experience while hiring developers. This list is based on a report published by DigitalOcean.
Based on terms of difficulty the five most difficult things about hiring developers are:
- (39%) Lack of formal software engineering education
- (18%) Limited pool of candidates with relevant job/technical skills
- (15%) Lack of soft skills/workplace competencies
- (15%) Losing top candidates to competing offers
- (13%) Salary demands too high
Some of these issues are based on the requirements the recruitment managers put in the job description. There is a gap between the priorities of the recruitment managers and the developers. But you can avoid most of the issues. How? By using an offshore team as an extension of your local software development team. Let us explain how.
Lack of formal software engineering education
A good offshore software development company only work with medior and senior level software developers with a proven track record. They encourage them to keep improving their skills by education and by learning new technologies.
Limited pool of candidates with relevant job/technical skills
A pool of candidates is easy to form, if this is on top of the activity list of the offshore company. Are these developers available? What is their salary? Skills? It is also very important to keep informed about the market’s needs. Only this way it is possible to continuous deliver the best developers with the required skills.
Lack of soft skills/workplace competencies
How to recruit candidates with technical and soft skills? By focusing on both during the selection process. Add a focus on organizational skills to the previous two skills and you get the best of the best.
The company also should promote working at their office without limiting a flexible way of work. On top of that if they organize team building activities to stimulate the contact between developers, it really is the company where you can get your dedicated staff!
Losing top candidates to competing offers
Losing top candidates to competing offers can be avoided by good recruitment. Be on top of the market. Act fast. Short lines. This one applies for all companies. Not only offshore companies. Make sure you know all about your candidates. Even the salaries they want to earn. As a result you don’t get surprised often losing the candidates to competing offers.
Salary demands too high
Salaries keep rising in tech world. Everybody has to deal with that. That’s why a good offshore company is continuous focused on finding the best staff in the world for the best prices without paying an overload. Also offer the developers more than only a salary. Offer them a warm team and company. And combine this with good secondary employee benefits. Keep their personal needs in mind. Take their families and social life into account. When an offshore company takes care of their developers, they got dedicated and happy developers in return. And you get your team member on board!
About the author
This article has been written by Robert Giezen, CEO of Global BrainForce, as part of our company profile on the BPO Directory listing of Outsource Accelerator. He founded the company in 2012. He heads the Global BrainForce team and leads the overall direction of the company. The company started working on projects and providing remote staff with excellent results in the Netherlands. In the recent years, Global BrainForce has expanded and is currently working on projects and providing staff in Europe, US, Asia and Australia.
Are you interested in how offshoring can help you with dealing with those hiring issues? Contact us now for more information. We are here to help you!