5 reasons to offshore software development

Why should you offshore your software development? A daily posed question at Global BrainForce. Here are just five of many more reasons you – at least – should consider offshoring!
1. Availability
Western countries are running out of high quality human resources. Due to the high density of companies in these countries, hiring new employees is very difficult. On the one hand, employees are committed to their employer and not in for a change. On the other hand, recruiters contact employees to change jobs and promises them the world, it is a challenge to keep them onboard.
To avoid a shortage of your in-house staff you can consider offshoring among all other alternatives. Why trying to catch some fish in an almost empty ocean if the ocean at the other side of the world is still full with high qualified, less expensive employees?
2. Flexibility
Are you working in a business with peak load? Or are you a startup and need some extra efforts to launch your newly developed software? Recruiting and hiring extra employees are expensive and time-consuming activities. Not to mention the delay in development due to shortage of knowledge at the newly hired developer. When using a dedicated and steady offshore partner, this partner will arrange all recruitment and hiring processes and has the possibility to arrange a backup plan. No loss of knowledge and a fast hiring process!
3. Costs
Number three in this list of 5 reasons to offshore software development, is cost reduction. Especially when your company is based in the West. What do you pay for a senior software developer with expertise in PHP? What do you think what you will pay for a Filipino software developer with the same knowledge and the same expertise? Indeed as stated in one of our other articles cost reduction can increase to 65% of the amount you pay in a Western country. And that is a lot of money! But how is this possible?
- First of all, offshoring via Global BrainForce is making use of a fully optimised recruitment process.
- When offshoring or outsourcing, you do not have to pay sick leave or holiday leave. Another win.
- The third cost reduction. Workplace… how many rent or mortgage do you pay for the building or floor your company is based at? If you use remote staff you have to rent less square meters.
- The fourth and last reduction: Equipment: how many devices do you provide your employees? A laptop, a second screen, a company phone? Not needed!
4. Higher production
This one is closely related to the previous reason, cost reduction. If you can reduce your costs with 65% you can hire three times more developers. But how do you manage cost reduction and higher production? Everybody knows the stories of developers in low-wage countries, low skilled and barely speaking English. Projects executed by these people took twice to three times as much time and money as budgeted. So be careful with selecting your offshoring destination. Make sure people are highly educated and almost English native speakers. Good communication is the key to success.
Need more capacity and spend the same money? Offshoring it is!
5. Development time extension
Due to the time difference you extend your daily development time with a few hours.
I.e. your company development team is located at the Netherlands. Normal working hours are from 8.30 am to 5.00 pm local time. Your remote team is located at the Philippines with the same normal working hours. Converting the time difference between the Philippines to the Netherlands you extinct your working day with 7 hours: 1.30 am to 5.00 pm. And when debriefing your remote team at the end of the Dutch working day, they have a list with to do’s to start with the next day. And this work will be done as soon as your working day start. Quick win in time and effort!
The same way of work helps with i.e. dealing with software bugs related to your (sold to customers) company software. Your client experiences problems at the end of the day, he informs your helpdesk. As soon as he starts working again the next day, the problem is fixed by your remote team.
However, do you prefer your remote team to work at the same working hours you do? No problem, that is also an option. Working with Global BrainForce makes this possible.
Convinced about the advantages and reasons of offshoring, but still in doubt if it fits your company strategy? Remember that the proof of the pudding is within the eating….
This overview is only a selection of many more reasons to offshore software development. Do you want to give it a try or do you want to know more about offshoring or about Global BrainForce and the opportunities for your company? Please contact us