How secure is working with a software development team via offshoring?

Offshoring is a good alternative to maintain the number of software developers in your company or even to extend it. Due to – mostly – lower costs, production can be twice as high comparing to in house developers. All nice to know, but how secure is working with a remote software development team? What about your company’s safety? And in addition the security of your source code? How can we guarantee that nobody will be messing around with your data or even use your code for his own business? Want to know more? Find below some of the most frequently asked questions.
What about copyright and intellectual property?
All our contracts contains a paragraph that the intellectual property and copyright always belongs to our client. Global BrainForce is only developing the software on request and therefore will never be the owner of the product. Your software, your property!
What about confidentiality and pledge of secrecy?
All our employees signed a non-disclosure agreement. They thus agree with the pledge of secrecy and with the confidentiality that comes with working for third parties. When they break the pledge of secrecy, we can start procedures in accordance with Philippines law.
What if the software developer leaves Global BrainForce and develops and launches my product?
This questions has a close connection with the previous question. If a developer leaves the company and start his own business with your product, he violates the non-disclosure agreement. As a result, according to Philippines law, we can take legal steps.
How do we communicate with the team in Manila?
We equipped our office in Manila with the most recent technologies and devices. We have ‘dedicated internet access’ via two connections. Hence we eliminate abuse and guarantee capacity. Our employees use one connection for their daily work. While the other connection is being used for video calls between our employees and our clients. So if a connection got interrupted, the other connection is able to take over the capacity.
Are the developers working in the cloud? And how safe are the used connections?
All developers work on a company laptop and use a second screen. Therefore we optimal secured the laptop and the developers need to use a VPN-connection to log in. Depending our clients’ needs and wishes developers work on a local disk, on a special equipped server room at the client or in an extra secured cloud environment. The choice is yours.
How safe is the used internet connection?
Global BrainForce is working hard to keep the internet connection secure. We implemented several policies and procedures related to security for employees, facilities, assets, information and software development operations. We also use a network firewall to keep non-authorised services away. The configuration of this firewall is based on our Network Security Standards to grant or to refuse access to our services. At least we use an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to perceive suspicious activities and to intervene when necessary.